
Oh man! EXAM is coming soon!

Ah.. It's getting nearer and nearer.. EXAM!!! I don't want to have exam.. But in fact, exam will be began on next Monday.. I hate to have exam.. There are too much to study.. BC 1 is the first paper.. Oh my gosh~!!! There are 21 powerpoints need to be studied by next Monday.. Killing me is better for me.. -_-"

I was shocked when i knew that--- I need to have exam on my Birthday! Thanks God for giving me this "birthday present".. But can i reject this present? I don't need it.. Please.. I don't want to do revision at exactly 12.00am.. I want my beloved to call me during my birthday.. I DON'T WANT! But.. I just can accept it.. :(

9 days to go.. I hope it comes faster but my sixth sense told me that there will be something bad happened on that day.. Anyway, I am looking forward for that day--- 21 May.. Well.. What present do i want this year? I want "FREEDOM", "HAPPINESS", "HEALTHY" and of course "WEALTHY".. $_$

Oh ya.. I saw a singlet at Padini store during shopping with my friend.. I like this singlet very much.. I love its colour.. And its stripes.. Yeah.. Exactly what i like.. I tried to send photo for my sister to see.. I told her that i like this singlet very much.. I want her to buy me.. Unfortunately, she refused my request.. Damn it.. =(

It's time to do revision.. EXAM has annoyed my life.. But i can't anything to change this fact..



What happened to me?

Oh man! I am getting frustrated day by day. I start to lose control on my mood. I will get angry easily. I wonder why i have changed. Something happened to me naturally but i can't even stop myself to get angry on it. Somebody who i hate appeared in front of me today. My mind rushed me to scold him since i hate him so much. But, my rasional stopped me. Thanks God. I don't hope my image to be spoiled by this kind of human. "human"? Whatever he is.

Today i logged in my facebook. I saw my old friends' photo. Now they are studying at KL. However, I am alone here. I was so jealous. They can gather anytime they want. But i can't. :( (Dada, I miss u guys.) I saw my kindergarden friend's profile too. She is still pretty like last time. And now, she has her own life, her own friends and boy friend as well. I am happy to see her back.

I was so hungry after my test. I decided to go to canteen to enjoy my lunch even though i am getting fatter day by day. I can't imagine how fat will i in the coming years. The food at canteen were that good but i have no choice. After having my lunch, i went back to classroom.

Huh? Somebody was crying. What happened? The one who crying is our class birthday girl. Finally, i knew what had happened. She cried because she was chosen to be class monitor. She didn't want to be the class monitor. And of course, i don't want too. Class monitor is an important role in a class. I know i am not responsible enough to get this job. I can understand why she cried so pity. She got her "birthday present" from God-- Class monitor. I think my room mate will be the second choice to be the class monitor since she is responsible and hardworking enough. I have discussed with her. But, she bargained with me. Oh my gosh! I can't persuade her. What can i do is just watching birthday girl crying at her place. I am sorry.

Time comes to three o'clock. It's time to go back to the hostel. I am tired with this kind of life. Luckily, you are always in my mind to encourage me. Thanks. I can't wonder what would my life be without your presence. You are the greatest gift to me from God.



今天觉得很爽,因为终于发了封email去跟那个可恶的人说得清清楚楚。前几天收到他的电话信息,觉得很不爽。本来好好的说着普通的话题,但他就是要说一些让人厌倦的话题。他以为他在我心里是什么位置?他什么也不是!一开始把他当朋友,有错吗?难道要我第一眼就看上他吗?他的的确确没有吸引我的地方。没样貌兼没性格,还要自以为是。Oh, my gosh! 他真的很令我讨厌。我真的很想当面大骂他一顿,好让他死心。讨厌这只打不死的蟑螂,真的很想一脚踩死他。让我更想做的是一巴掌打在他那可恶的脸。如果我是他,我会找洞口来钻进去。我真的很想分享我发给他的email哦。总之,爽啊!


对,一开始我就很贪心。开始跟你讲第一句话就是一个错误。我一开始就 把你当朋友看待,也没有想过有什么结果。任何人也改变不了我对人的想法。我说从朋友做起,也是我的原则。我讨厌没有努力过程就得到的东西,更不希望别人这 样看待我。你的好胜心是你的原则,也是我无法接受的。如果你第一眼就觉得我不是你的朋友那么简单,所以无法跟我做朋友,我也不会奢望你跟我做朋友了,因为 现在的我也不屑做你的朋友。你的朋友里有慧欣,有彦庄已经足够了,多我一个也不多。而我的朋友有很多,少你一个也不少。你说得对,如果我继续这样不理睬 你,我会比较快乐。与其你这样一直惹我生气,我宁可没有原谅过你。我对任何人都是从朋友开始,而你无法接受,那就算了。我没有试过一开始认识一个人就喜欢 他,我也不想自己是那种人。如果你希望我第一眼就喜欢你的话,很抱歉,我完全办不到。让我喜欢的人就只有了解我、体谅我的人。喜欢一个人不是看第一眼的样 子,而是看他的性格还有相处的方法。Nic开始也只是我的普通朋友,到现在他也只是我的好朋友,我们也没有要进一步的发展,但我们却很开心。我讨厌像你这 种不肯享受过程就要得到的人。我不是一件物品,没有必要让你的好胜心来得到我的喜欢。我的原则是你不能谅解的,而你的想法是我无法接受的。或许你不欣赏我 的原则,但我更讨厌你的想法。我从来没有这样对一个人有这么深的反感。现在的我,真的很讨厌你。如果我是你,我会有自知自明,不会再找我了。所以我真的很 希望你以后不要再找我,惹我生气,这样我真的会好过点。如果别人问你对我的感觉,我阻止不了你的答案,但如果别人问我对你的感觉,我会说没有。我觉得做彼 此的陌生人,会对彼此好过点。


